Dr. Silvia Deuring, Law (DE)

Silvia Deuring is an academic councillor at the Chair of Civil Law and Medical Law at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Her research focuses on the legal challenges of genome editing.

Portrait Dr. Silvia Deuring

Dr. Silvia Deuring

PicturePeople München

Deuring studied law in Mannheim. She conducted research at the Institute for German, European and International Medical Law, Health Law and Bioethics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim. Until 2019 she coordinated the research project GenE-TyPE - "A scientific, ethical and legal analysis of modern genome editing procedures and their potential applications". She completed her doctorate on the topic of "Legal challenges of modern procedures of intervention in the human germ line" in Paris and Mannheim. Since 2019, she has been an academic councillor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and is preparing her habilitation at the Chair of Civil Law and Medical Law.

In 2021, she received the Science Award of the Society for Law and Politics in Health Care for her dissertation, and in 2019 a Young Talent Award 2019 from the Association for the Promotion of German, European and International Medical Law, Health Law and Bioethics.

Further information: Lebenslauf Homepage (uni-muenchen.de)